This post is still a work in progress as of 05/17/2024
- Create a new Hyper-V VM installing Ubuntu 22.04
- Run updates for Ubuntu (reboot if necessary)
Install GIT
sudo apt install git
Install Bundler
sudo apt install bundler
- Install RBEnv to allow for multiple versions of Ruby
- Install Jekyll GEM
Install other required libraries
sudo apt install libvips-tools
Create a projects directory via a terminal:
mkdir projects
Navigate into the project directory:
cd projects
Clone the JekyllExample repository, from a Terminal in
Ubunty type
git clone
Navigate into the new directory
Run the following terminal command to get everything
installed properly
bundle install
Run Jekyll to start a local webserver
bundle exec jekyll serve
- Browse to in your web browser
Next steps:
- If you have a large repository, or a large number of repositories, you might run out of disk space on your Hyper-V VM, if that’s the case check out this tutorial for how to expand your Ubuntu disk.
Install Homebrew and Git Credential Manager
/bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL”
brew tap microsoft/git brew install –cask git-credential-manager-core